Club Demographics

For the 2020 - 2021 school year:

  • 96% of our members are on free or reduced lunch.

  • 90% of our members are from households with annual incomes under $28,000.

  • Only 27% of our members live with both parents, with 60% living with a single mother.


Club Impact*

For the 2019 - 2020 school year:

  • 94% of members are promoted to the next grade level before summer school.

  • 100% of our middle and high-school members have not become teen mothers.

  • 98% of our members have not entered into the juvenile justice system.



Our Formula for Impact is a road map the Clubs use to ensure that members achieve our priority outcomes of academic successgood character & citizenship and healthy lifestyles. It incorporates high-yield learning activities, targeted programs, regular attendance and the five key elements for positive youth development.


Safe, positive environments


Supportive relationships

Opportunities and expectations



Other Impact Reports**

  • Boys & Girls Clubs are the only youth organization in the State that has independent third party verification that what they do is successful. - Florida TaxWatch

  • For every 100 additional high school graduates that the Boys & Girls Clubs help, the State of Florida saves over $29,000,000. - Florida TaxWatch

  • Boys & Girls Clubs serve more youth at less cost than all other mentoring programs combined. - Florida Department of Education


*Club statistics are based on members who attend 60 days or more.

**Other impact reports are based on statewide programs serving at risk youth from Pensacola to Key West.